Gta 5 safezone size
Gta 5 safezone size

gta 5 safezone size

Tonight my crew (all four of us) were killed while we were all afk to grab drinks /bio while docked at outpost to come back to find a boat of scrubs took advantage of the fact we were all afk to kill us ( we repelled the fight once we were all back at our screens) but this shouldnt have happened at a outpost there should be a forced cease fire when coming into port. PvP like Wow with arena and rated battlegrounds safe zones weren't a issue when you needed to go afk you simply didnt queue your team till all were ready. however, that could be very risky on your part as they could attack Don't like safe zones in PvP in a game like this it's needed sometimes you need to go afk besides going bio. They are more likely to take you seriously. Perhaps this flag raising gives you a timer where you would be unable to attack for a certain amount of time. I love this game to bits, but i think there is so much potential! you would rather fight to protect your loot. maybe you have treasure on board and youre not looking to make friends. another way to get treasure maybe! but you can fly your red flag or pirate flag if you dont want to be friendly. then it has some skill in it, park your ship not facing their guns, request they dont board your ship. i come over to you, start talking and then blast your ship out the water. i have plenty of times sailed to another ship and shouted friendly through the mic just to get shot at. i can raise a green flag to tell another ship i am friendly. There is less incentive to have any honor, even pirate honor or code, and much more incentive to act in any manner one sees fit because of that lack of natural said in An idea for a Safe i would love a 'flag system'. PVP in open world for any game is a tricky thing developers and such have to always figure out because people do not act the same online as they would in real life much of the time. They would guard it jealousy from those who were not a part of the accepted/protected group. Even a pirate town or port wouldn't want all it's customers being constantly killed off. Just far less likely for you to be ganked in front of a vender or a quest turn in. So, it would make sense there would be some sort of "Safe Haven" albeit it should not be 100% safe. This is a pirate game and won't follow how pirates would act in real life as there is far less "natural consequences" for it. Sadly your whole argument that this is pirates is flawed with the fact it is a pvp game foremost and most players instead of seeing another pirate or ship, don't not play to any pirate code, they just think look a ship shoot it. this would be like a place the pirates when for fun and not a fight. If the game had safe a port or town, or governed fort were npc guards enforced laws, or even a pirate outpost were npc pirates enforce pirate code. Pirates had a code, and even pirates that fought at sea, put aside that fight when going in to a Actual town, not just a pirate outpost.

Gta 5 safezone size